
There are over 130 species of Statice (Limonium sinuatum) with a wealth of common names such as Tissue Culture Statice, Sea Lavender, Marsh Rosemary, Limonium, and Latifolia. Its grown not for its flowers, but for its calyxes, which have a delicate, papery appearance and come in shades of lavender, pink, yellow, and white.  Statice is also known as an "everlasting flower" because the calyx will stay on and colorful well after the plant has dried, making it a great choice for dried arrangements.

ORIGIN: Its genus name, Limonium, comes from the ancient Greek for "meadow," which refers to its original habitat.  It has a large distribution in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America.


CARE & HANDLING: Cut statice stems, removing at least 1 inch, and place in a clean container with tepid water and flower food.  If you would like to dry statice, make small bundles of a few stems each and secure with a rubber band or string.  Hang the bundles upside down in a dry, dark place for one to two weeks.